MEPSA and customers area
The combination of MEPSA’s privileged location on the Energy Wharf and the Port of Barcelona’s strategic vocation to become the first Mediterranean hub for energy products offer an excellent environment for all the companies that have decided to set up in this area.
The MEPSA area has a storage capacity for petroleum products covering more than 1.45 million m3, divided into two terminals:
• The Meroil Group Terminal, located in an area of 125,000 m2, with a total of 47 tanks providing a capacity of 1 million m3, intended primarily for storing oil products such as kerosene, gasoline and gas oil.
• The Tradebe Group Terminal, located in an area of 61,600 m2, with a total of 29 tanks providing a capacity of 453,000 m3, dedicated to light oil products (kerosene and gasoline), fuel oil and diesel oil.
Other important facilities in the MEPSA area are:
• The Combined Cycle Power Plant owned by Gas Natural.
• The chemical products storage and handling centre owned by Quimidroga, which is one of the modernest and best equipped in Europe.
• The warehouses owned by Transfesa stores, as an operating base for performing logistics activities related to port traffic.