
The Energy Wharf

The Energy Wharf is the place that brings together most facilities for the liquid bulk operations in the Port of Barcelona: chemicals, refined petroleum products and natural gas, among others.

The Energy Wharf has a berthing line of 2,670 m distributed as follows:

• Alignment 32, with berths A to H
• Alignment 33
• Alignment 34 B

In addition, the Port Authority plans to build three new berths – 34C, 34D and 34E for the transfer of petroleum products and which are also enabled for receiving liquid bulk carriers.


grafic_atraques_2017_engThe No. 32 berths were built using 15 m reinforced concrete caissons.

Main features:

  • Operations platform with various loading arms.
  • Connection to the main pipelines network.
  • Land access.

The No. 32 berths are currently connected to a pipe trench on the Energy Wharf and have the following dimensions: 23m wide and 1,600m long.

*Up to 185m with the previous acceptance of the Captain.


grafic_atraques_33_2_eng33A Nou Contradic:

  • A wharf made of concrete blocks, with a 10m-wide terrace to facilitate loading/unloading operations of MARPOL waste by truck and by barge.
  • There is a 5m wide land access.
  • Length: 80m, draught: 2.50 m, width: 10m
  • Uses: MARPOL Waste Services

33B Nou Contradic:

  • A wharf made of concrete blocks. Serves energy products (mainly fuel products for bunkering) using a rack of pipes for DECAL and MEROIL.
  • Length: 160m, draught: 6.0 m, width: 0.50m
  • Uses: Energy products

33C Nou Contradic:

  • A wharf built of 6 reinforced concrete caissons measuring 25 x 13 x 15m.
  • It has four berthing dolphins with a caisson section of 19 x 8.5 x 11m.
  • Serves LNG using a rack of pipes for ENAGAS.
  • Length: 345m, draught: 13.70m, 4 loading arms.
  • Uses: Berthing for Liquefied Natural Gas vessels up to Qmax.

grafic_atraques_34_engMain features:


  • Draught up to 16,5 metres.
  • Suitable for liquid bulk carriers (tankers) up to 275 metres long with GT of 175,000 tonnes.
  • Unloading capacity: 3,200 m3/hour.

The pipeline network for interconnection of berth 34 B with the liquid bulk terminals on Energy Wharf is under concession to the Economic Interest Group (EIG) Jetty Sur, comprising Decal, Meroil, Tepsa, Terquimsa and Tradebe.


The three new 34C, 34D and 34E berths will be allocated for transfer of petroleum products and enabled for receiving liquid bulk ships ranging from 100m to 275m in length, with a maximum width of 50m and a 17.5m draught.

The proposed configuration for each berth is similar to the current berth 34B and consists of three main elements:
• An operations platform with 6 loading arms.
• Berthing structures (6 berthing dolphins with 15m caissons).
• Land access.

There also plans to connect the new berths to the existing trench. This will require a new track with pipes approximately 2,000m long combining aerial stretches with others running in trenches.

The solution for large liquid bulk cargo operators

in the Port of Barcelona